Ta'su (Malayo-Polynesian Inspired)

The Language of Ta'su

Ta'su is a constructed language inspired by various Austronesian and Polynesian languages.
A - to be pronounced as "AH" like in "Far" or "Large".
E - to be pronounced as "EH" like in "Forest" or "Enable".
I - to be pronounced as "E" like in "Free" or "Hear".
O - to be pronounced as "OH" like in "Throw" or "Soar".
U - to be pronounced as "U" like in "Fool" or "Rule".
When seeing a word such as "Pasot'n", the "t" is silent, so you would just pronounce it as: (PAH-SOHN) like "Pass on" except the "O" vowel and every other vowel still applies.

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